
What can Ilan offer you?

Ilan Smith well known for combining amazing illusions with comedy elements is more than just an illusionist. He is also an MC and Key-Note Speaker. Ilan educates people on how to use the tricks of magic in regular business to improve sales and business relationships.

Whether your event is for a small group of 50 guests or a large 800 guest event, Ilan can have all your guests gasping in amazement. His innovative and highly engaging combination of magic, humour, audience participation and illusion means your choice of stage show or ‘stand up’ ensures your event will be remembered for a long time to come. Ilan can personalise his show and tailor the duration of the act to suit your needs.Shows are high energy, engaging and play well to smaller audiences and larger ones alike. (PAX 50 – 800)

  • Used as the main events entertainment, after-dinner slot.
  • These shows can be tailored to your function and audience.
  • Illusions: tailored to size and demographics of audience
  • Time: 35 to 40 minutes. (time to tailored to your needs, up to 70 minutes)
  • Suggested PAX: 50 to 800 guests

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    After many years of experience; creating and performing magic and illusions, Ilan has decided to share his knowledge and give you a glimpse of magic, how it’s created and how this can be implemented into the business world.

    Using a mixture of body language, psychology and misdirection you won’t believe what is possible.

    Ilan Smith: illusionist, performer and magical creator of some of the most talked about illusions our country has even seen.

    Three practical and thought provoking talks.

    A. Think Like an Illusionist.

    (Tailored to sales, creative thinking and psychology)

    We are all trapped inside our own heads. Our beliefs and understandings of our world are limited by that perspective. We worry what people think and base decisions on that.

    You will worry a lot less about what people think of you when you realise how seldom they do.’

    Novelist: David Foster Wallis

    Lets get outside of our thoughts, think more consciously and work more productively.

    Through sharing some of the real secrets that are used on the biggest stages in the world, to pull off the most amazing magical effects known to man, Ilan will take a deeper look at the inner workings and show you how these ideas can be used in the boardroom, sales meetings, amongst family, friends and even your spouses.”

    • Keynote talk with entertainment value
    • Practical
    • Immediate take-home benefits
    • Includes illusion effects
    • 45 minutes duration but can be customised
    • Master class offered in this field

    B. Tell Me a Story

    (The importance of getting your clients to tell your story, and how to get them to do it).

    This talk has two sides to it:

    The importance of; and the “how to” get your customers telling your story.
    What a massive difference story telling in an organisation can accomplish.

    Slides leave listeners dazed. Prose remains unread. Reasons don’t change behaviour.

    When it comes to inspiring people to embrace some strange new change in behaviour, storytelling isn’t just better than the other tools. It’s the only thing that works.

    Steve Denning. Forbes Contributor

    Make them care

    The best most effective way to give over information is via story telling or case study. What I like to call “make them care”.

    • Make your clients your best spokespersons. I will share with you how.
    • Keynote talk with entertainment value
    • Practical
    • Immediate take-home benefits
    • Includes illusion effects
    • 45 minutes duration but can be customised

    C. You are Potent!!!

    And mean that in the nicest way possible
    (Motivational, outlook on life)

    Being an illusionist and a creator of the impossible, I began to realise how powerful this mind space can be… Where anything is possible!

    When people say “that’s impossible” I think, not only is it possible, I have multiple methods of how to accomplish it.

    This talk discusses the “how” and “why” of the inner workings of our brains, and just what we are capable of.

    If we just knew how powerful we really are, we would live a different existence. Our thoughts really do create our reality!Let me prove it to you.

    • Keynote talk with entertainment value
    • Practical
    • Immediate take-home benefits
    • Includes illusion effects
    • 45 minutes duration but can be customised
    • Master class offered in this field.

    Please contact us to discuss how these talks can be tallied to your specific needs.

    Many thanks

    The Ilan Smith Team

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      Intimate entertainment makes any function unforgettable. At your private or corporate function, watch Ilan Smith mingle with the crowd, perform expert sleight of hand and even defy the laws of the physical universe. Pure, personalised magic, matched with Ilan’s wit, will infuse your party, function, product launch or any event with energy and fun. Close up or strolling magic is used to great effect when guests are arriving at your function as well as during any “dead time” so to speak.

      Fantastic as an ice breaker at networking evenings and golf days. Ilan entertains small pockets of clients with hard-hitting personal magic.

      To circulate amongst the crowds, wowing them with a wide range of contemporary yet eccentric impossibilities that they are certain to talk about long after the event is over. Interactive and entertaining, the magic of Ilan Smith is extremely suited to the corporate world.

      • Icebreaker as guessed are arriving and moving into the venue.
      • Great for: networking evenings, golf days
      • These shows can be tailored to your function and audience.
      • Time slot: 45 minutes to an hour, two hours or the evening.
      • Suggested PAX: any number, tiny to very large. Time is dependent on size of audience

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        Push your team in a fun and creative way which will also give them much needed presentation skills. Learn how to grab an audience the second you come out and how to hold their attention for the duration of your presentation. Allowing your colleagues to express themselves in a way that unleashes a team synergy that is often lying dormant. Learning magic and secrets is always fun, learning it from a world-renowned illusionist and presenter is something else. Improve group dynamics by teaching them to perform magic themselves. Ilan teaches magic illusions to corporates to use in one of two ways:

        A: As a tool to teach presentation skills and help people shine on stage.
        B: As a tool, your employees will bring out an important message through performing the torght effect.

        • 3 hour course
        • 4 hour course
        • Full day course
        • Magic take home gift
        • Can handle different size audiences

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          Need to drastically increase your PRODUCTIVE LEADS at tradeshows?

          Allow Ilan to create a show specifically to get your sales force moving. Because Ilan makes your business his business, his productions put a new spark in tradeshows. Pulls in the crowd at tradeshows, he customizes his show to spotlight your product, interweaving your message with his magic throughout. Ilan will demonstrate tricks with a customised script dropping in key concepts about your product and company, you would like people to never forget. Once Ilan has gathered a crowd, entertained and educated them he smoothly passes them onto your sales staff to take over.

          • Generate More Traffic!
          • Generate More Leads!
          • Deliver a Targeted Sales Message!
          • Be the Talk of the Show!
          • Touch people in a uniquely brilliant way.
          • Visual
          • Engaging

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